anyone know how to make diamond drop game?

nickbuakaewnickbuakaew Member Posts: 77
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
hey guy

simple, 3 boxes or more and same color land on top or next to each other actors destroy.

here is the problem....when boxes land diagonal to each other (only conner of the boxes touch each other) i don't want the actors to be destroy. only when 3 or more on top of each other or 3+side by side.

or only when side, top and bottom of the boxes touch each other. not the conner.

i hope you guy understand me

thanks for helping


  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited October 2012
    I wonder if this might be feasible, consider a background layer of non-visiable actors set up as a grid. Of course you are going to have to have a few attributes tossed into the mix, but it would work like this (here is a mini grid of 9 squares), If actor A (Red Bock) overlaps this space (section 6) and the same Actor (red blocks) are in grid sections 1 and 9 (line up diagonal) = destroy all actors.

    I'm not currently building anything like this, but it seems like that may be something to play with.

    *Edit Ah, you said NOT diagonal. However, the grid method is something to consider just the same.
  • nickbuakaewnickbuakaew Member Posts: 77
    I was thinking some life of table or grid. But I thought maybe something easier than that but thanks a lot.
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    I was thinking some life of table or grid. But I thought maybe something easier than that but thanks a lot.
    Here is something you can reference as well

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