optimizing question

filipcfilipc Member Posts: 1
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys,

I'm brand new to gamesalad and I have a non-programming background as a graphic designer, so please forgive my nooby questions, also sorry if this has already been answered somewhere.

I made a (probably too complicated for a first) game, but when I started optimising everything, I wondered something...

If I have a main character that picks up stuff, like coins and ammo,... and I store and display the total...
Do I try to add all the behaviours to the main character or to the individual items?

for example:

on character: Character overlaps/collides with coin => coins+1
on coin: Coin overlaps/collides with character => coins+1

(In the first case, I will end up with a lot of behaviours on my main character and I have no clue how this (positive/negative) influences the performance)

Also, Is it recomended to store this total (coins) in a table in stead of a general attribute?

Many thanks in advance,


  • filipcfilipc Member Posts: 1
    Thank you very much for your quick response! This was very helpfull :-)
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