how do i test my game on my device?

nickbuakaewnickbuakaew Member Posts: 77
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
just download the new version and I'm a bit confuse. there are 2 button...generate app and sign app.

i hit generate app and when it done, i wanted to test on my device but there were no button to push like the old version. there are 3 button that show. 1 is show where you save the file. 2 sent to iTunes connect 3 publish.

and yes i have the developer provisioning profile not the distributor file


  • DanDaMan123DanDaMan123 Member Posts: 216
    It sounds like you are trying to do an Ad Hoc build. Did you set the provisioning profile to Ad Hoc?

    If you did everything up to the generate app part right then generate the app, the sign it (all through the publishing portal) and it should give you an option of where you want to save the file. Once it saves, open xcode with your iPhone/iTouch/iPad plugged in. In the xcode organizer, look under your device (left side of the window) and click where it says applications. Drag the file that you just saved right into here.

    I think this is how you do it but I might have screwed up/mistyped the directions. I hope this all makes sense.
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