September 28th support request... Still no response...

3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
edited October 2012 in Tech Support
I initially put in a request for the issue I am experiencing on September 28th.
I also put in another support request about 25 hours ago... also no response...
I have been working with Microsoft, and have completed everything I can with them without having a Windows 8 Build.
Fails to generate every time.
@Anyone who can help...

I sent my publishing request number...
I am a pro member (requests for support are supposed to be responded to with 24 hours) so yesterdays request... ok whatever, but what about September 28th...


  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    even a response to tell me to shut up or "we are working on it" would suffice...
  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    I'm with you 3itg. Being ignored is just plain rude!
  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    yup, anything would be better than nothing.
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