Save & Load Issue. - URGENT!
I released an update for my game yesterday, but the save & load problem has not be resolved and i can't see whats wrong. When the person switches the iPhone off then switches it back on, and plays the game, the high scores are not there. The
keys are the same, i am using attributes (not tables). I am stuck now. Please Please Please Help!
keys are the same, i am using attributes (not tables). I am stuck now. Please Please Please Help!
Did you change that high score attribute, then put a save attribute after you changed it? It's important that you do that. Also, make sure that you load your scores at the beginning of your game or each time you enter that scene that displays your high score.
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Make sure you have the loads at the start of the game, and double check all the keys are the same I had a problem with my achievements once because there was a space at the end that I couldn't see so click on them and check.
You can also test in the viewer that It is saving by starting at the beginning ( where the loads are ) and getting the high score then pushing the reset button next to the play button on viewer this acts like you turned the device off and then back on.
If the high score Is gone it won't save.
hope this helps.
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In the display score actor:
Rule: When (All)
Score 1 > High score 1
Change attribute High score 1 to Score 1
Save Attribute High score 1 Key: highscore1
Then in an actor on the home screen,
Load Score:
Key: highscore1 Attribute: High score 1
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