"Simple" actor constraint

grinlinegrinline Member Posts: 0
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all...probably an easy one here, but I've been a bit surprised at constraint and collide limitations so was curious at your ideas.
How can I make an actor only move a certain distance with a "touch pressed" and "drag" kind of action.
For instance, you touch a slider...it can only slide for 100px in the Y...then stops as if it hit an invisible wall. The user can then freely slid it back down in the -Y direction to it's starting location...and then keep going 100px in the -Y direction as well.
It seems like everything I try to create like this "sticks" somehow and the user must lift the "touch" then press again for it to slid in the -Y. Thanks for any ideas! :)


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