A very quick question about the Official Cross-Platform Controller Template...

ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
This is a very quick question:

Are the graphics used in the Official Cross-Platform Controller Template optimized for retina displays? Also, out of my curiosity, are the graphics from other GameSalad-made templates retina?

I don't know how to find that out. I do have retina-capable devices, but I am not yet a paid Apple Developer to save the GS Viewer onto my devices.

Thanks for the help


  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    edited October 2012
    For retina devices you have to make graphics of size which are divisible by 4. For making hd make double the size say 1024 *2= 2048 size. Inside gs make actor size 1024. And make sure it is divisible by 4. That will work with retina. I do not think the templates have any role but I have not tried and tested yet.
  • SearleSamaSearleSama Member Posts: 108
    double click on the graphics in the images section so that it opens in preview. Once preview is open hit command I to get the inspector and see with the size of the image is, this will tell you if its retina or not. Doing that myself, I see that they are not, retina ready.
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    Hitting command is a nice tip, I never knew that.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    thanks @SearleSama

    so how would i make the graphics retina?
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    Make it hd and divisible by 4. Also try using in bit sizes like 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. These saves memory and are divisible by 4. For example if you use an image of size 160 gs will assign it as 256, so extra memory will be wasted.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited October 2012

    wait, I dont get it? I mean it says in preview that its 72 pixels per inch. So my question is how many pixels per inch is a retina display/how to increase the pixels per inch.

    You said "make it HD and divisible by 4". I understand the divisible by 4 part, but how to make the graphic HD?

  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    Gs only has 72 dpi resolution or ppi. So do not bother about that. To make it hd use the original size to be double. Say an actor which will be 200 size make it 400 in photoshop. Import image as 400 in gs but in the actor make actor size to be 200.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    ahhh...ok I think I get it:

    So my picture is 480 by 320, then i exported it to 960 by 640. Then in GS I had the actor as 480 by 320 although the graphic was at 960 by 640. So it should be a retina graphic now, even though I don't see a difference. @wickedsunny Am I correct?
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    edited October 2012
    Ya that will hd but the size needs to be divisible by 4 to make it retina. If you create raster art you create it from scratch as double the size. Enlarging in photoshop will make it low quality.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    edited October 2012

    But then how would I make the already included graphics (from the Official Cross-Platform Controller Template) retina graphics?
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    then use photshop, there are plugins which can be used to enlarge images without losing quality. Its more or less graphic side of game designing. You have to do more research. first just check whether the images are losing quality if enlarged? if not then just export from photoshop as double size.
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    Ok, I think I get it now. Since my graphics are .svg, I can enlarge without loosing quality. So then if I want an actor that's 64x64, then I should make the graphics 128x128? Can I just use huge graphics, so i can easily resize the actors when I want? Or will that make my game slow?

  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513
    can anyone help?
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