Gamecenter Achievements not working while live

TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Anyone ever have this issue with Gamecenter Achivements? I setup achievements for a Tiny Diggers update that just went live, only when I touch the GC button that has the attribute, it will launch the popup and say 'No Challenges' instead of showing the achievements. This worked all great in adhoc/sandbox mode. When I goto the GC app it says tiny diggers has no achievements. Interestingly, when in itunesConnect, it shows the achievements in the Manage Gamecenter button but not when you view the details of the app. In there it says they haven't been setup and there's no way to 'add them'. It also says Tiny Diggers is setup for multiplayer mode lol.

This all worked when I was testing but now that its live, it's not.

Anyone come across this?

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