How do I get a working point system?

XtaticXtatic Member Posts: 0
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
I looked on the gamesalad manual in search for how to have a working point system, I also looked at 5 or 6 videos that told me how to make one. I copied exactly what the videos told me, and when I'd create my attribute, function, and display the text, all that my game would do is display the same text at all times. The exact scenario is that my actor is shooting another actor and when they collide i want my score to go up by 10.


  • SolarPepperStudiosSolarPepperStudios Member Posts: 754
    Ok make a global attribute and call it score. Make another global attribute and call it high score. Make sure both of these are "real" attributes and not boolean or anything else. Next when the bullet or whatever actor you are shooting collides with the enemy set it so that in the enemy actor it acts this way: when self collides with amo, set attribute score to game.score+10 and destroy actor. To make high scores make an actor called high score or control or whatever and then make it so that it acts this way: when attribute game.score is greater than game.highscore , change attribute game.highscore to game.score and save the attribute game.highscore with the key highscore. Then when you game load\starts you need to have an actor that loads the highscore attribute from memory. Call the actor like load or something and then set it so that it acts like this: load attribute game.highscore with key highscore. If you have any questions or don't understand a part feel free to message me.
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