Please support Admob !!!

this is my first day here und i see this will be a great toll to publish to the iphone.
But what i think is that many of these games will maybe not sold well becouse of the many competitors so it would be great if you support admob.
That way we can release free games and make money true advertizing via admob.
Here is the link to them:
Maybe there are other ad platforms to that should be supported.
Here are three links that inform a little about the possebilitys making money via adds.
This are not the latest Infos but i think they show what is possible.
Somwhere these days i saw a new article what admobs think is possible with adds on the iphone in the future.
When i find the article i post it here.
So please support this form to let us make money also in a different way.
Oh yes and sorry about my english, hope you can understand what i mean ;o)
this is my first day here und i see this will be a great toll to publish to the iphone.
But what i think is that many of these games will maybe not sold well becouse of the many competitors so it would be great if you support admob.
That way we can release free games and make money true advertizing via admob.
Here is the link to them:
Maybe there are other ad platforms to that should be supported.
Here are three links that inform a little about the possebilitys making money via adds.
This are not the latest Infos but i think they show what is possible.
Somwhere these days i saw a new article what admobs think is possible with adds on the iphone in the future.
When i find the article i post it here.
So please support this form to let us make money also in a different way.
Oh yes and sorry about my english, hope you can understand what i mean ;o)
thats the german site of admob.
I think this is the english version of the site: