Making a path

gregoirephilippegregoirephilippe Member Posts: 5
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello guys,

here's my «problem». I'm making for a school project a kind of maze level in which there is my actor who is constrained to my mouse and enemies who I want to follow a predefined path in my maze. I'm pretty new to GS so the solution I cam up with was to create a few actors that when my enemy collides with it, the enemy changes direction.

So here's what I've done. On my enemy, I've put to start a :

Move behavior. 270 degrees relative to actor.
Rule : When actor collides with actor of type waypoint 1,
Move behavior, 180 degrees relative to actor.

So now what happens is that my ennemy comes down like I want to, but when it touches the waypoint, it goes down and left I the same time and when it's no more touching the waypoint actor, it goes down again, ignoring my new behavior. I understand that it does that because the rule is temporary to overlaping the waypoint and not permanent.

How do I make it permanent until it touches another waypoint ?

Thank you.


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