Make an actor change direction when it hits another..

zCharleszCharles Member Posts: 5
edited October 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
i am trying to get a small little ball to bounce around the screen randomly...
I just need to know what to do..
Do i need to make an invisible wall and change direction when it collides?
I just want this small little golf ball to bounce around the screen randomly..
May i please have a long detailed description?


  • boredaholicboredaholic Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2012
    Yes, you do need to make the "invisible" wall and make it change directions when it collides
  • boredaholicboredaholic Member Posts: 47
    edited October 2012
    the rule on it should have

    Change velocity:

    Direction: random(0,360) relative to: scene
    Speed: whatever speed, i used 75 on my code and it works fine.

    EDIT: Sorry i keep adding things and remembering things, this code should be on the actor, not the wall. and this code should be inside a rule that also has

    When all conditions are valid:
    actor receives event, overlaps or collides, with, actor of type, actor(invisible wall). then below this in the next section you need to add the change velocity code. Hope this helps
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