Help with making changes to a template

spiderwebspiderweb PRO Posts: 19

I need some help with making some changes to a template. I downloaded
a free scrolling list template from the DBA templates website. There is one
scrolling list scene in the template but I want two scrolling list scenes with
each scene referencing text from a different table column.

The issue I'm having is when I tried to make another scrolling list scene
(using copy and paste), the changes I made to
the new scrolling list scene were applied to the original scene so they
both showed the same information from the same table column.
I don't know how to fix this.

Please let me know if you can help. Once the template changes
are made payment can be made via paypal.



  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporeMember Posts: 988
    edited October 2012
    It not working because you need to create the infolist for your 2nd scene. I don't see any table involved in that template. You need to create an image of the list of words that you want to display and add it in as an actor name it infolist2 or whatever. then change all the reference to infolist > infolist2 for your 2nd scene.
  • spiderwebspiderweb PRO Posts: 19
    Hi Glgames, thanks for your reply and your suggestions. I think you may be looking at the wrong template because the template I'm referring to has a table named "Buttons" . The free template is available at


  • spiderwebspiderweb PRO Posts: 19
    Hi uptimistik, thanks for letting me know :)


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