What do you think of this background?
Any ideas on how to improve it?
Relevant comments from @creativeapps + @Vincam I think.... it could be made to work for a game menu background, I'm also thinking.... but only if it's relevant to the game, i.e something to do with leaves, autumn or the garden maybe....
Some suggestions to change it if you did want to use it for a menu card bg (Just a few ideas you might want to consider):
The purple leaves clash with the other colours, I'd flip the orange leaved plant on the left as an exact mirror image, without any distortion or change to position, to replace the purple leaved distorted version.
I'd delete the beige irregular shape in the back on the left
I'd get rid of the black spots at the bottom, left and right; or make them very light grey
I'd delete the middle up to about two thirds up, leaving white space for title and buttons perhaps.
Anyhow, just my opinions; you or other members might think differently...
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