Noob's Corner - You can edit the instance's name!

My first post here was on November 2009 and I really was a noob back then. But after 3 years with Game Salad I still discover something new to help my developing workflow.

Probably this is already known to many of you but I will share it for everyone else.

My discovery is that you can actually change the name of the instances! While this may seems worthless to some, for other could be very useful. For example I have many general actors (like "Wall" or "Button" actors) that I use for many purposes. Most of the time this is not a problem, but with complicated scenes it could be a hassle to find the right actor to edit, especially if the actor is behind other actors and the only way to select it is by the layer tab.

But if you rename the instance then all become easier. Below I show you a useful application of it.



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