Texas hold'em Poker card generator

I am thinking for fun to make a texas hold'em game. Just wondering if someone can lead me in a general direction to get me started or is there a template to use already?
Much appreciated and cheers.


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    We all love poker here and have regular games with friends (cheap night in as we call it).

    GL with the game, i think i remember seeing a demo a while back but can't remember where.

  • wibbsywibbsy Member Posts: 3
    Just to sanity test my thoughts of a poker game (but removing the betting for now).... Would I have separate scenes for dealing cards and then a separate scene for each game round?

    Would I make a prototype card and then each actor gets a assigned a self attribute value up to 52?

    At the end of the 'River' Scene how would I integrate a win table against what is in the players hand?

    Thanks in advance - Not looking for detail, just to ensure I'm approaching this in the right way from the get go?
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