Game instructions

Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148
Hey all,
I have been testing my game with several people and some feel like they arent quite sure what to do. I have an instruction screen that you can go to when pressing help but most miss this. Wondering what the opinion is of having an instruction screen right up front first thing before my menu, play button ext. Any way to keep folk from seeing it every time? Any opinions on a better implementation?


  • YoRoosterYoRooster Member Posts: 159
    I have an instruction screen that loads up just before the 1st level only because a lot of the levels that follow contain much of the same mechanics. It's only when I introduce a new mechanic to a level that I insert a new instruction scene. I include a skip button in each scene so it doesn't become too obtrusive.

    I've also tried implementing my instructions directly into the level.... sort of like an interactive hub overlay with pop-up logos. But again this can interrupt the flow of your game and become obtrusive so what uptimistiK suggests is a good idea.
  • Jeffm2Jeffm2 Member, PRO Posts: 148
    thanks for the replies. I actually opted for something similar to Cheeseman where the first level have some pop up instructions. very quick an unobtrusive
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