The sign up process... Please remind an old timer... does it take seconds, days, weeks.
Hey guys...
I'm hopefully about to start working on a game for a client. Which if it comes off, I'll post about it as it should be pretty exciting with some good marketing. The actual game will be a relatively simple platformer with around 10 levels and a sticker book feature, but it will have some good artwork and aimed squarely at kids.
Anyway... fingers crossed I get the I'll be doing it via the production studio I work for full time (not Stormy Studio) so can actually work on a game in normal 9 to 5 hours... (plus no doubt some late evenings too as it should be fun)
The client wants to sell the app on the app store (rather than give it away for free as a marketing thing). Which is fine.
Can anyone remember how long it takes to go from signing up to an apple developer account, filling in tax info to then being able to submit an app for the approval process. Do you have to wait days, weeks or is it instant. I know the tax info is simply ticking a box I think as we're based in the United Kingdom. But can't remember if you have to wait a week or so for your account to be ready to submit an app that will be charged for.
Anyone done it recently that can remind me would be great (it was nearly 3 years ago I first signed up for my own one).
Also does anyone know what the current app approval timing is like.. is it 5 days to 2 weeks?
Why matey you can always check here... I find this site fab! - It hives you the average times for the past month!
@LiquidGameworks ... cheers for that, I'll be sure to get my client to register as an individual.