Question about game.clock

Hey all!

So in my game I want an attribute to be changed every day, even if the player isn't playing, actually especially and because the player isn't playing.

So now I have:
If game.clock.hour = 23
Change attribute to attribute-1

Now does this mean that every day when the device's clock reaches 11pm, even if the app is closed, it will change the attribute -1 ?


Best Answer

  • GLGAMESGLGAMES SingaporePosts: 988
    Accepted Answer
    i think it doesn't. you have to have some mathematics to get the difference in time from current to previously played. And then use that difference to calculate how much change is needed.


  • carlblanchetcarlblanchet Member Posts: 755
    edited November 2012
    @GLGAMES ok yea thats what i thought thanks!

    And could I do this by changing a self attribute to and then save this self attribute's value in a table cell value every time the game is played. and then have rules checking the difference in days like you said, probably have to do that with the months too?
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