Music scratchy on GS Creator
Imported music files stop and start and sound scratchy and jittery on playback in GS Creator.
The music files play fine outside of GS. Tried reimporting files and does not solve problem.
Anyone else experience this and know of a solution?
The music files play fine outside of GS. Tried reimporting files and does not solve problem.
Anyone else experience this and know of a solution?
It happens with all imported music files. But sound effects are unaffected.
Thanks for the info! ^:)^
The music has been fine until now, since I downloaded the android viewer the music sounds horrible.
Anyone else experiencing this?
I have sent a bug report, This sounds like a big problem.
Also I have just tested the music outside GS and it seems fine.
Go into your home directory and rename the SDK folder
I put mine to SDK(temp). This now sorts out the jittery music. Once I'm ready to publish to Android, just rename back to SDK, publish your game and then rename the folder again.
I changed the SDK name and it worked, but anyone know why that would affect GS?
Whats the problem Android or GS?
Glad its got you working though
Its been about for ages and not many people have mentioned it, not nearly as common as some other problems so I don't think it necessarily causes loads of people problems