Collide with my actor pushes enemy with higher linear motion x

Ok, i have set for my pj
Density 1
Friction 3
Bounciness 0
Fixe Rotation and Movable

And for enemy
Density 0
Friction 0
Bounciness 0,35

Sometimes when my actor jump to kill it, the enemy receives some pushes and got motion linear x values
apologize about my english...


  • 3itg3itg Member, PRO Posts: 382
    2 suggestions.
    Try constraining the x and y of your enemy.
    If using physics, try adding a little more density to the enemy.
    Player density = 2
    Enemy =1
  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    Hmm... thank for the tip, i go to test that.
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