RPG - Dragon Warrior Style WIP

LiquidGameworksLiquidGameworks Anchorage, AKMember, Sous Chef Posts: 956
edited November 2012 in Announce Your Game!

I've finally begun on my inspiration for game making, a Dragon Warrior style RPG. Basically, a turn based JRPG game.

I thought I'd start this thread as a means of keeping track of my progress.

The video doesn't show everything that's in place at the moment, but this is what currently works.

-Battle generation - The game can choose which monsters to feature based on location, and pulls all of the monster stats from tables.

-Turn based battle - Well, you can see it in action. I have algorithms in here which utilize both Hero and Monster stats to calculate attack and defense. Dynamic text tells the player who the monster is, and what the battle stats are.

-Dynamic Stats - The game recognizes items which enhance defense/attack, and keeps track of earned xp/gold (not shown, but it does).

-Integrated XP system - All stats are tracked in tables in such a way that you can multiple accounts on the same game.

I'll make sure to keep posting videos, and the next should include more of the art, as well as visual representations of the XP system.

Next on the list... Towns People and dynamic dialogue! All I want for Christmas is snap to grid. :P


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