attributes of spawned actors
Ok here is what I am trying to do. At the end of my level, I have a mini boss. I want him to every so often drop power ups that you can use to destroy him. So I figured spawn an actor on a timer.
Thing is, as I understand this would run all the time and so I don't want the place filling with these power ups. However these same power ups also exist elsewhere in the level, so editing the prototype to "destroy themselves" on a timer would get rid off everything, right? not just the newly spawned? So my question is, what would be a good way to destroy these spawned power ups at a regular interval? is there anyway to edit a spawned actor's attributes?
Thing is, as I understand this would run all the time and so I don't want the place filling with these power ups. However these same power ups also exist elsewhere in the level, so editing the prototype to "destroy themselves" on a timer would get rid off everything, right? not just the newly spawned? So my question is, what would be a good way to destroy these spawned power ups at a regular interval? is there anyway to edit a spawned actor's attributes?
I would create a boolean attribute called "StartSpawningPowerUps" or something like that.
Then, when you reach the end of the level, and the mini boss appears, I would change that attribute to true, otherwise false.
Then I would go into your scene controlling actor (if you have one. If not, create one) and create I rule:
When attribute game.StartSpawningPowerUps is true,
Timer: every x amount of seconds, spawn actor or whatever
Hope this helps.
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