Tags and collision weirdness
Member, PRO Posts: 69
in Tech Support
Hi there,
recently I've been putting together a prototype for a marble flicking RPG game (don't ask - it's probably the most complex project I've embarked on and have found a number of unusual situations around actor tags and, specifically collision.
S0 what i've found is actors tags are completely unreliable to use for grouping actors into collision groups.
as example I make tags - [collidable] and [collidable2] and put actors [1] [2] [3] in each of them -
I then have actor [4] with a collision behaviour with [collidable] tag group - I'll discover [3] won't collide...
I then have actor [4] with a collision behaviour with [collidable2] tag group - I'll discover [2] won't collide...
if I made a third collide tag group I'd get another random result again...
I resorted to using 'collide with actor of type' and listing each actor - an inefficient bodge but it works.
Anyone else found weirdness with tags?
It's also made me question collision rules in general - I've also found:
* physics collisions occurring between objects that have no collision rules or [collide] behaviour
* Actors which will just refuse to collide with each other, and in one case actually turning the [collide] rule off caused the collision behaviour to work correctly (just without the physics) ?! :0 (I assume the physical collision behaviour was conflicting with the collision triggered rules)
so some general collision questions?
if I want actor A and B to have physics collision - is it best practice to have the [collide] rule on actor A, actor B or both?
Does the [collide] rule conflict with collision rules? and does the order of collide/collision behaviours matter?
i.e is it best practice to have collision rules first followed by the collide behaviour?
If Actor A has rules that are triggered by colliding with Actor B, does having the [collide] rule only on Actor A (or create different results
In what damn situation would Actor A refuse to collide with Actor B even when using 'collide with actor of type'? (may have answered myself with question 2 if correct :?
recently I've been putting together a prototype for a marble flicking RPG game (don't ask - it's probably the most complex project I've embarked on and have found a number of unusual situations around actor tags and, specifically collision.
S0 what i've found is actors tags are completely unreliable to use for grouping actors into collision groups.
as example I make tags - [collidable] and [collidable2] and put actors [1] [2] [3] in each of them -
I then have actor [4] with a collision behaviour with [collidable] tag group - I'll discover [3] won't collide...
I then have actor [4] with a collision behaviour with [collidable2] tag group - I'll discover [2] won't collide...
if I made a third collide tag group I'd get another random result again...
I resorted to using 'collide with actor of type' and listing each actor - an inefficient bodge but it works.
Anyone else found weirdness with tags?
It's also made me question collision rules in general - I've also found:
* physics collisions occurring between objects that have no collision rules or [collide] behaviour
* Actors which will just refuse to collide with each other, and in one case actually turning the [collide] rule off caused the collision behaviour to work correctly (just without the physics) ?! :0 (I assume the physical collision behaviour was conflicting with the collision triggered rules)
so some general collision questions?
if I want actor A and B to have physics collision - is it best practice to have the [collide] rule on actor A, actor B or both?
Does the [collide] rule conflict with collision rules? and does the order of collide/collision behaviours matter?
i.e is it best practice to have collision rules first followed by the collide behaviour?
If Actor A has rules that are triggered by colliding with Actor B, does having the [collide] rule only on Actor A (or create different results
In what damn situation would Actor A refuse to collide with Actor B even when using 'collide with actor of type'? (may have answered myself with question 2 if correct :?
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I think I figured out this problem - I'd be interested to hear if others have found the same -
The problem, which in this case was creating tagging and collision rules not firing, was due to :
Option-Click-Dragging actors in the scene to duplicate them.
I wouldn't recommend EVER doing this - it seems to create, seemingly random, rules not firing in the actor (maybe there is a logic going on but I cannot see it at the moment)
If you need duplicate actors - drag them in from the actor panel.
All my non-working tag rules appeared to be "contains" rules like this:
When self.tags contains Red
I wasn't option-click-dragging or anything... but I was able to at least fix the problem... I used double-quotes around all my references to tags... so I just used "Red" instead of simply typing the word without double quotes.
Stupid, but it worked in my case.
Not sure how to put in a bug report with so such sparse and random info....
Been with GS for 1 1/2 years and this stuff makes me want to change engines. I'm hip deep in a project and tags quit working. I now have to change logic in so many objects. No I will not give GS my game code. UGGHHHHH So frustrated
@SquareHeart Thanks for posting the possible answer to tag issue! I'll avoid the option key actor dragging when creating new actors.
@badcomics I feel ya