Monsters Robot Studio's "Mazes and Monsters" (tentative title)

ashtmjashtmj Member, PRO Posts: 405
Hey all,

Here is the first look at our next title.
this is basically a attempt to bring a classic Link to the past type game to the iphone :)
however it will also be geared for quick games, each dungeon will be anywhere from 5 to 60 rooms, filled with enemies puzzles, etc. as you progress you gain new weapons, items and more

Thought and feedback always appreciated

Mazes & Monsters - Monster Robot Studios

Monster Robot Studios  - Labyrinth Legends

Monster Robot Studios  - Labyrinth Legends

Mazes and Monsters - Monster Robot Studios Zpromo5

Mazes and Monsters - Monster Robot Studios

Mazes and Monsters - Monster Robot Studios



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