Confused about 1024 versus 2048 and retina
Member, PRO Posts: 181
I'm making an iPad game, and I've set the scenes up at 1024 x 768 because that is what I read is the aspect ratio for the iPad. But then I started thinking about retina display, and I'm wondering whether I need to double everything.
If I release it at 1024 x 768, will it work on the newest iPad with retina display?
If I change it to 2048 x 1536, will it look better on the new iPad and still work on the old ones?
Which approach do you think is better?
If I release it at 1024 x 768, will it work on the newest iPad with retina display?
If I change it to 2048 x 1536, will it look better on the new iPad and still work on the old ones?
Which approach do you think is better?
The background image size needs to be 2048 x 1536 when imported in gs.
The actor size where that image will be used needs to be same as scene size.
Rest all actor images needs to be double size when imported, just the actor size needs to be halved. So if you get an image 512 x 512 then actor size will be 256 x 256.
1) Check "Resolution Independence" on the very first project main page
2) Design your game as if its a normal iPad
3) Use art which is double the size of your actors. This means if you have a 100X100 pixel actor in GS, you will want to use art which is 200X200. If you check RI (see above) prior to importing the art, GS will automatically resize the art to fit your actors.
This process is exactly the same for iphone development.
but i think i have all solved
If I make all my art double sized, should I use "HD" in the name of my game? Does that mean something to buyers?