Backward compatible?

cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
Hi all,

Just a quick one and I reckon I know the answer.

I've a old (well, not that old to be honest) Mac Mini, I cant put the latest version of GameSalad on it as its not supported by the operating system. However, at work I've the latest version which I've made a very simple game on. My question is, is it somehow possible to mess around with the actual project file (say, in one of the .xml docs) so it opens in a previous version of GS?

I know theres loads of technical wizards that read on comment on the forum, and it would be AMAZING if there was a way?

I reckon the answer is that you cant, however, no harm asking just in case someone knows.

As always, thank you all for your help.



  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    This would violate the terms and conditions/service of the user agreement with GameSalad. Use the latest supported OS and supported GameSalad creator.

    Even if you did carry out this task acceptance of this file would be turned down by GS when you go to publish.

    What operating system are you running? Updateing the OS these days is fairly inexepensive.
  • cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Hey @RP, aaah, very interesting. I'm using snow leopard, however, I did buy Lion and unfortunately it wont instal on my Mac Mini - ah well, neve mind.

    Thanks anyhow :)
  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited November 2012
    Is the mini 2009 or newer?

    If so, what transpired (errors etc) that prevented installation?
  • cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Hi @RP, to be honest, I cant of the top of my head remember, I'm not by my machine at the moment, however, when I tried to instal the latest OS, the instalation file had a 'unable to instal' symbol (kind of like a circle with a line though it) and the error was somewhere on the lines of 'the machine needs to be a dule core processor'.

  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    Ah, I hear ya. A hardware limitation then, I was hoping it was a Hard drive format type issue. On that one, I'm afraid your mac mini won't play ball for you. :(
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