GameSalad All Over iPad's Top Paid Games List

The iPad is just out, but the new Apple device's list of top paid apps is already making news with us - GameSalad's all over it. As of launch, over 10% of the top 100 paid games for the iPad were created using the GameSalad tool. That news made us here at GS Central squeal with excitement and we just had to share this awesome news. Here's a breakdown of the games made by this incredible community that are already catching like wildfire with iPad owners everywhere:
#47 Picture Hunter HD by Tshirtbooth
#51 Doodle Cannon HD by Crazybreadman
#57 Tumble Blocks HD by Tshirtbooth
#60 Go Ladybug, GO! by James Fletcher
#62 Battle Pong by Eastbound
#65 Red Block Remover 2 HD by Tshirtbooth
#74 Jumpo! HD by bladeolson
#79 Adrenaline Arcade by Butterbean
#84 Magic Van Ride HD by James Fletcher
#88 Tru3d Doodle Pad HD by James Fletcher
#89 Kid Music Wonder by Butterbean
#90 Wacky Circus Pinball HD by Chaser
#94 Endless Apples 2 by Butterbean
Achinko XL by iPhoneDevForMe
Sounds That Drive You CRAZY!!! - Deluxe Edition by gregr209
Mirror Sketch by Gamexcb
Astro Adventure by Lardy
Free ABC Songs by scorelessmusic
Untouchable! by giacomopoppi
Particle Rain!! by giacomopoppi
Archangel: Vengeance of the Makuzi Ascendancy by BeyondTheTech
Ghost Words HD by Chaser
Tone Pads HD by Sparkyidr
HockPuckPad by alexxxhp
Stunt Squirrels! HD by firemaplegames
Johnny Constellation by GendaiGames
Anyone know roughly how many iPad apps there are altogether?
I expected to wake up and see Ladybug bumped
off the list this morning but not only was it still there Magic Van Ride (you missed it) is moving up... for now lol
the one you missed
Holy crap... NM i didnt even realize
I have three in the list
(again for now that is lol)
I am super excited for the whole crew. And thanks game salad team!!!
Great work everyone!
And once again a big thanks to the GS Team!
So, we can take it as reference before we make our decisions of best.