Keyboard input locking/crashing GS when I put in attribute to change (any attribute)
in Tech Support
I've been trying to get this working all day and its frustrating. I've restarted my mac, GS, I've tried it in different projects. Every time it locks up GS and all I'm trying to do is put in a simple name from the keyboard. Anyone know what's wrong? Thanks!
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Hi @QuestionMan I reported this as a bug a while back; hopefully it'll be sorted in the next GSC beta...
In the meantime, I found a workaround: give the attribute you're using a value, i.e a word, or even just a letter... this works for me although I must point out I use OS X 10.7.5... @FryingBaconStudio reports that this workaround doesn't work for him as he is using 10.8.2.
Anyhow, hope it's of some help.
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