Gamesalad (GS) Developer Needed. $$

I hope this is the appropriate place to place this ad....

I am looking to hire a person with who knows his/her way around Gamesalad, so experience in GS Logic is a must.

I think that what I am requesting would be rather easy to complete for a person experienced with Gamesalad.

I am looking to improve several educational games, but lets starts here with one.....

I am new to GS and I am looking to hire someone to build the first few scenes of my educational games.
You may be asking, .... Why only the first few scenes? Here is why......
A: I know most people are rather busy, so I figured it would be easier to hire someone to make a few scene rather than an entire game.
B: Each project would be a rather short so if a developer has time constraints, then each project could be done rather quickly.
C: I figured it would be less expensive for me to hire someone to make a few scenes rather than an entire game.
D: I want to learn GS, so if I had the basics and framework, I think I could finish the project myself.

Here are just one examples of game I want to change (impove) upon.
I want to eventually make about 20 games but lets start with one.....

Project 1:
Very similar to "Trantrum Apps Letter Quiz" , the trace 'game'.
I would like just the letters A and B made for me.
The changes (improvements) I would like to make to this game:
Change A: landscape only with the upper and lower case (U+L case) side by side, so to complete a letter the player must trace both U+L case to complete.
Change B: If player hits the letter sidewall = tracing resets for that letter and that letter case.
Change C: Background sound of someone chanting the letter name and the letter sound. ( I will supply sound file later - developer inputs sample one for this project)
Change D: When player completes the letter trace task = sound of applause ( I will supply sound file later - developer inputs sample one for this project)
Settings to remain the same as in the Tantrum app.

On your iPhone, please download and review the Trantrum Apps Letter Quiz and review the trace game feature,
before placing a bid.

If interested or if you have some questions please feel free to respond.

Mark T.

producermark AT gmail dot com

Game Salad
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