Instance question

just got game salad yesterday and have begun the creation of my first game. In my game I have a main screen where a 2 player game can be selected. In this 2 player game characters can be chosen. My question is, do I have to make a scenes that represent all of the possibilities that can occur (i.e player 1 choses red while player 2 chooses blue or player 1 chooses yellow and player 2 chooses green.) or can I just make a general scene where whichever character is chosen automatically loads? I'd really appreciate the answer as this serves as a major roadblock.
Thanks a lot!
just got game salad yesterday and have begun the creation of my first game. In my game I have a main screen where a 2 player game can be selected. In this 2 player game characters can be chosen. My question is, do I have to make a scenes that represent all of the possibilities that can occur (i.e player 1 choses red while player 2 chooses blue or player 1 chooses yellow and player 2 chooses green.) or can I just make a general scene where whichever character is chosen automatically loads? I'd really appreciate the answer as this serves as a major roadblock.
Thanks a lot!