Change Images

crapscraps Member Posts: 353
I think my last thread got side tracked or i may have mislead you.

Here's what I need to do:

I have a series of images that I do not want to be an animation. The first image will show up after the splash screen - then I want the user to tap the image and it will change to another image.

This has been no problem - easy even for me. I then want the user to tap that image again and have a third image show up - I need to repeat this several times.



  • crapscraps Member Posts: 353
    Thanks - Is this what it should look like?

    1. Actor attribute - boolean, integer? Then name "game.attribute" -
    2. Create actor rule - All - touched - pressed
    3. Change attribute - "" To: "(game.image+1)%9"
    4. Rule. When game.image =0
    Change image to image 1

    Rule. When game.image =1
    Change image to image 2

    I cant seem to get the Rule - Attribute to show "game.image" and be able to choose "="
  • crapscraps Member Posts: 353
    Heres what I did. But the image switches as soon as I hit preview.

    Can you tell what I did wrong?

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