AdMob would be profitable? Your opinion
Hi guys,
I'm publishing my old iOs games on Android, but there are no monetization options for free app.
In-app purchase could be an idea, but most of (my) games are not so cool to bring a user to buy something by iAP.
Most of my revenues comes from iAd and PlayHaven (great ad system, even if a report system would be appreciable).
Other users think that AdMob could increse iOs revenues (displaying banners when iAd "call" fail) and bring new revenues from Android markets?
I would be very very very very grateful if GS team would implement AdMob!
I'm publishing my old iOs games on Android, but there are no monetization options for free app.
In-app purchase could be an idea, but most of (my) games are not so cool to bring a user to buy something by iAP.
Most of my revenues comes from iAd and PlayHaven (great ad system, even if a report system would be appreciable).
Other users think that AdMob could increse iOs revenues (displaying banners when iAd "call" fail) and bring new revenues from Android markets?
I would be very very very very grateful if GS team would implement AdMob!
Reporting for Playhaven - yep that too.
And PlayHaven? Is it possible to have more info about countries covered by it?
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