Score based on height

LooseMooseLooseMoose Member Posts: 224
edited December 2012 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey, I'm making a jumping style game like doodle jump, and I want the score to = hero's distance traveled on the y axis.
That's easy enough but my issue is that my scene is only 5000 high and I wrap the Y axis. So when I go through the top of my scene the score goes back to 0.

I have a portal at the top of the scene and I made a rule that changes the score to score + 5000 when it overlaps with the hero. But the score which changes score to hero's self position y is over-riding this so my score keeps going back to 0.

I'm sure there is a simple way to create the score system I am after, I am just having a brain block right now so I need help haha. So fire away. Thanks


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