★★★ Xmas Invaders FREE Template from DBA ★★★
With Christmas coming and the time for giving we would like to say a very special thank you to all our customers both on the official marketplace and over at Deepblueapps.com by giving away a very nice Space Invaders style template.

All art and music is included
Save and load high score
Custom font
Lives HUD
Level Complete and Game Over
Enemies that fire at random
Space invader style enemies that move from side to side and drop down
Increasing difficulty as enemies will become faster along with there bullets
3 ways to die, shot by enemy bullet, hit by enemy or if enemy reaches the ground
Random art for enemies on each level
Snow effect that loops using interpolate
Recycled bullet for hero
Keyboard controls added for testing (arrow keys, space bar to fire)
Easy to edit and customise
Full notes in the project explaining all the rules
Wayne will be uploading this to our FREE Resource Centre and our Bargains section today.
Happy Xmas and best wishes from,
Darren, Wayne, Chris, Ben and Jason

All art and music is included
Save and load high score
Custom font
Lives HUD
Level Complete and Game Over
Enemies that fire at random
Space invader style enemies that move from side to side and drop down
Increasing difficulty as enemies will become faster along with there bullets
3 ways to die, shot by enemy bullet, hit by enemy or if enemy reaches the ground
Random art for enemies on each level
Snow effect that loops using interpolate
Recycled bullet for hero
Keyboard controls added for testing (arrow keys, space bar to fire)
Easy to edit and customise
Full notes in the project explaining all the rules
Wayne will be uploading this to our FREE Resource Centre and our Bargains section today.
Happy Xmas and best wishes from,
Darren, Wayne, Chris, Ben and Jason
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Thank you again to everyone for your support.
Lump Apps and My Assets
The amazing its how to do it, i have learned a few things with your template, thank you very much for share.
This is a very nice gift indeed!
After studying it over, I can see that it's not just a fun little game. This is one of those example templates that is chuck-full of tidy bits of GameSalad wisdom. It is full of best-practices on how to do all the stuff that Darren lists as 'Features'. And its all integrated into a single game that shows how it all fits together.
Hey everybody! If you ever wanted (or will want) to know how to accomplish the above listed features -- this is the real deal. I can't believe they are giving it away for free. This one is a keeper for sure!
Thanks again!
Thanks to all the users that have sent us a thank you mail, some people will just take take take without reply but it's so nice to see people taking the time to say a simple thank you.
Happy Christmas.
A very generous gift, indeed!
Thanks a lot!
The bargains page alone on your website is proof of how generous you guys are. Thanks!!!
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Happy Christmas,