Need app rating template!

ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
i can't find that template since i upgraded game salad.
can you give me that template please?

tnx a lot!


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    It's pretty simple, really.

    You can create an attribute that you add to every time the player pushes a button or plays a round of your game. Also, create a boolean called KeepAsking and set it to true.

    Create a rule in a controller actor:

    When game.HowManyPlays = 5, and when game.KeepAsking is true
    Spawn actors:
    Rate box
    Yes button
    No button
    Never ask again
    Timer: after 0.5 seconds,
    Change attribute game.HowManyPlays to 0.

    I'm sure you can figure out what to do now in each button - Just open URL to your app if they click yes - and change KeepAsking to false. If no, change a boolean to false that will destroy the actors. If they click never ask again, just change KeepAsking to false and save it, then destroy those actors.

    Hope this helps...Might create a demo later on if you don't understand this quick explanation.
  • ChillBoxChillBox Member, PRO Posts: 115
    Thank you very much!
    And another question, I can not put the "app rating" in the game before I released the game, right?
    because i do not have the open link.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    You can get the URL prior to the game being live on the App Store. It should be located in iTunes Connect.

    Go to Manage your Applications. Select your app. It will bring you to a new page and you should see a "Links" section near the middle of the page.

    One option will say "View in App Store".

    That'll open a new tab to the destination of your app. Copy that and put that into your game.

    Hope this helps.

  • No, you can put link prior to the game release.

    You can get link

    -> Login to itunesconnect
    -> Click "Manage Your Applications"
    -> Select your App and it will bring you to New Page
    -> Under Application Information Section, there is apple id. Just add that id number at the end of following link[Apple ID]
    -> Put this link into your Game.
  • eric.ojhaeric.ojha PRO Posts: 23
    I'm having trouble setting this up for use with and iPad... is there another link that I need to use specific for iPads (vs iPhones)?
  • MlabAppsMlabApps Member, PRO Posts: 79
    When I downloaded the template, there were no images. Did this happen to anybody else?
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