Breakout style game assistance, ball, start like blackberry more.

StormtrixStormtrix Member Posts: 256
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi there,
I've been working on my breakout style game for the iPad for awhile now, have a lot of level images done and really just trying to iron out the final mechanics to it. I've used steps and rules from the default starter GS apps (breakout, asteroids) as well as tshirtbooth's and even the infinite bouncing ball demo. There's just a few things i can't figure out.

1) using the infinite bouncing ball demo style i've got my ball that does a fairly good job of bouncing around the screen and off my moveable paddle.. But, at various times when it hits a brick sometimes it'll just start 'floating' horizontally across the screen back and forth until it might hit something.. or it'll sometimes just go up and down when near a wall.. it's like it needs something to say keep moving at angles.. i've got attributes of currentangelofvelocity, velocity, speed and rules of if velocity slows down give it a push.. but still it seems to just go left and right sometimes.

2) I've impletmented the player lives and score.. but when ball pass the paddle and disappears i'd like to have it where a button spawns (have graphic for it) and then you press button to release ball.. but when you have lost your 3 balls start button does not come up but game over.. Been looking at the different templates and demo's but must be missing something ..

3) also would be nice to have the game launch the ball like the blackberry breakout - move the angle to where you want to release the ball hit start and it goes in that direction that you told it to.

4) I have 87 bricks on screen (29red, 29green, 29purple) with a game attribute that is Bricks on Screen - 87.
Each colored brick actor has a rule on them says when you collide with projectile -
change attribute (game.bricks on screen) to (game.bricks on screen) -1
but how do i tell it that you 'completed level 1' then move to next 'scene with new level 2'

Thanks all..
look forward to helping people out myself when i get more experience under me.

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