Transfer Custom Behavior blocks

sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
(this may have already been posted)
If you would like to transfer Custom behavior blocks between different projects. (PC)
--Project 1 (source)--
-Open GS and load Project 1(the project you want to copy from)
-Create your blocks and put them in a group. Label the group with a unique name. Put allot of notes in the blocks to tell you later what should be in specific fields (many items will become invalidated when you switch actors/scenes/games)
-Drag the Group to the Custom folder on the Behaviors tab.
-Save Project 1.
-Exit GS
-Navigate to Project 1's folder.
-Open the Behaviors folder. You should see at least 1 folder called "1.behavior" (if you have many custom blocks, there will be many folders) Typically, the most recently created has the highest number.
(To be sure, open the highest numbered folder, then double click the info.xml file in that folder. In the text which appears, look next to Display Name to see if this folder is for the block you want.)
-Copy the behavior's folder and paste it on your Desktop.

--Project 2 (receiving)--
-Navigate to Project 2's folder and open the Behaviors folder to see what is in there.
-Rename the copied folder on your desktop to have the next sequential number after that which is already there. (ie, if Project 2's Behaviors folder contains folders named 1. - 6.behavior then rename the desktop folder "7.behavior" if there are no folders, then name it "1.behavior")
-Cut your renamed folder from the Desktop and Paste it in Project 2's Behaviors folder.

-ReOpen GS, and open Project 2. Your Block (or group) will now be availible under the Custom list.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    Can't you just drag the behaviour from one project to another (like you can do on a Mac) ?

    Or just cut and paste the behaviour from one project to another ?
  • sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
    PC version only has 1 project open at a time. So Dragging isnt there. And then when you open a new or other project, the Custom behaviors to not stay with the UI. they are specific for each project.
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    PC version only has 1 project open at a time. So Dragging isnt there.
    I didn't realise ! That sounds like a real pain in the ass, only being able to open 1 project.

    Can you cut the behaviours from one project - close it - and paste them into your new project ?
  • sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
    nope.. It might work if the Dashboard thing worked.. but mine does not.. well, I mean it opens, but I don't seem to be able to do anything with it. When I open GS, it goes straight to a blank project, then I usually Open Recent to get to what I am working on. If I want to go to a different project, GS closes the one that is open..
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    If I want to go to a different project, GS closes the one that is open..
    Understood, but can you not cut and paste between projects ?

    Open a project, copy the behaviour, close the project, open the second project, paste the behaviour.

    Would this not work ?
  • sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
    tried it. Copy and Paste is a bit touch and go. sometimes it works (in other aspects of game creation) but I have not been able to make it work with attribute blocks. Sometimes even in the same game, copy and paste does not always paste what you copied.. sometimes it has copied something else or nothing at all.. so it's a roll of the dice what you get when you ctrl-V.

    One place where it really gets on your nerves is when issuing a Key control. The block opens and you have 1 key to enter. but you can add more. so you highlight the existing key line in the block, and Copy, but then when you Paste.. sometimes it adds a new line.. most times it doesn't.. really kind of slows your flow when you have ideas rolling..
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    Copy and Paste is a bit touch and go. sometimes it works (in other aspects of game creation) but I have not been able to make it work with attribute blocks.
    Pity, it's really useful in the Mac version, hopefully it will be sorted out for PC too.
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