Deleting affects game performance?
I started reading that @FryingBaconStudio said that deleting affects the game performance. Can that be explained a bit more on how it works and exactly what's happening. Because I have concerns that I have added attributes and then later deleted them because they aren't needed as well as code. Is that what is meant by deleting.
Should I finish the game then recreate it exactly but without deleting?
Should I finish the game then recreate it exactly but without deleting?
Here is the thread but I see anatomyofdreams has already seen it.
I may have misinterpret it but it sounded to me that he was saying was deleting code affects performance. I know about the spawning and destroying and I am aware of a lot of other issues in regards to performance but I hadnt heard of this before so decided to ask before rather then later. It may not be anything but wanted a second opinion
I have rebuilt my game from scratch as well to keep it clean and fresh but I think he mentioned he had a mate give him his project and he tried mending it and got rid of the extra stuff. He said it didn't work and has to redo and stated that it had something to do with deleting.
I don't have any problem either way bit it was something I wanted to understand in general. So yes it does make sense
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I add a rule that says if this happens change image to pig. Then I delete the image pig and the rule. Is this what you mean? I don't think I quite understand fully. Assuming the above example had been repeated throughout the game progress, that will cause performance issues?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
This issue used to exist apparently, but now only lives on as a GS myth.