Player Movement
Hey guys, I have a character that I want to move in 8 directions using the key input. However, I dont know how to make it so the player can touch down right, down left, up right and up left. Can anyone help please. Thanks.
Finally, how do I do it so that the actor stays in the direction of the key that was last touched. For example, if I touch up I want to see the character back, not his front (its reverting to the original facing front image).
Thanks so much. Sorry for double post.
you should be sure that you have
Change Image (to the still image of what your actor will look like at rest after pushing that direction) otherwise it will return to the default image when you let the key go. Change Image is a permanent image change until otherwise changed by a different keystroke.
and then an Animate showing the desired animation for that direction.
If you are producing diagonal movements, you have to treat that as a separate action meaning that Up and Right (or whatever combination) should have their own Change Image and Animation blocks as well.