Desperately waiting for GS - How long GS team?

JCFordJCFord Member Posts: 785
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have my first iPad app ready for release but an desperately waiting for the next minor GS update ( that needs to resolve the GS loading screen not rotating before I can publish to apple - how long for this minor fix GS team?


  • VmlwebVmlweb Member Posts: 427
    In the meantime start working on another game or Polish off your current game
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    I know it is a top priority, i think they probably ran into a few more bugs than we know about with the iPad publishing, just like we all did since no one had a physical device to test with.

    I'm hoping we get it by friday.
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    I hope it doesn't take until Friday.

    It should be a reasonably easy fix and I think they should release that as an update on it's own before moving onto other issues.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I think 'rushing to get something out' is half the reason that bugs got missed the first time...

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    If you don't mind me asking, considering that many GameSalad games for the iPad have already been approved and released onto the App Store, and the initial rush is what many devs are working feverishly towards to get noticed, charted, and become profitable, you're holding back because of a momentary splash screen?
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    shouldn't have to hold out
    There is just a 50% chance apple will reject it

    I know wits been covered but the actual issues are:

    1. Load screen is 90 degrees different than your game
    Landscape games have portrait GS logo.. not a big deal
    2. Pro accounts still have the GS logo.. a pain yes, but apple doesnt care nor do gamers
    Joe still got his Ipad game featured with the issues - Good sign for all of us

    Apple IS NOT rejecting anything due to the GS logo
    They are rejecting because the splash screen should be the same orientation as the game

  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    How about fixing the portrait preview so I can actually see all of my game
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    Apple rejected ours because the GS logo does not rotate, it's not because its 90degrees out..

    1st rejection was because our game didn't work in both portrait and upside down portrait. So we changed each scene and re-submitted.

    2nd rejection was purely down to the GS splash screen staying static when the device is upside down.

    It's the same orientation as our game but it doesn't rotate in upside down portrait so the app was rejected. They even attached a screenshot of an upside down GS logo when its used in upside down portrait mode.

    How about rotating your monitor ? That what we have done so we can test the app. You can rotate the screen in osx preferences.
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927

    sounds kind of the same
    not that it even matters since it needs fixing regardless but, if its upside down from the game it sounds like the same issue i had. Just waaaay more off than 90 degrees

    i would bet even if it didnt rotate but, it at least matched the game they would be fine
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    I'm not sure that this would be fixed with an update to GameSalad. Isn't the loading screen added when the game is uploaded to the GameSalad server?
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    i agree, i dont think we need an update. just the compiler that is server side i assume
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    It did match the game the first time we submitted but they asked for upside down portrait to work too. Then we added that but the splash screen didn't match when used in upside down mode. Nothing we can do about that until the patch comes out.

    It might be pot luck at the moment or they could be getting stricter.
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Ok, now I'm concerned. My game update went back into "In Review" (was rejected due to trademarked keywords) and I'm hoping it won't get rejected because of this splash screen issue!

    GS devs, please squeeze out a new binary ASAP.
  • VmlwebVmlweb Member Posts: 427
    Do iPad games have to be able to play in all 4 orientations?
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    FYI...I bought Johnny Constellation....and it loads with the landscape GS screen first upside down, then GS screen loads in portrait then finally the game boots with home button on right. So it squeaked through as only plays in 1 orientation not 2 or 4.

    Perhaps folks should stop submitting apps until we get an answer. I am sure the Apple folk have tagged (made a note) to watch for any GS games...and reject them promptly?

    Also in defence of the GS Gurus...they did release software with no they are heros for allowing us to be at launch. I went to the Apple store and brought up my was cool. But also now they have some issues to resolve and they will with this rev for iPad.

    Does not help our community to keep submitting games with these issues on orientation and load screen and keep getting turned back.

    Just some thoughts...but we should get a clear answer as many of us have a lot of time and money invested in GS. Each day of lost sales can be a huge liability.

  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    I dint get it! Neither of my ipad apps rotate Ghost words HD is landscape right and uses accelerometer. Wacky Circus Pinball HD is portrait. They thoroughly tested my pinball game to the point where they got the ball stuck and rejected it for that. They sent me emails and I sent to them as well. I updated and sent to them only 30 minutes later and they approved 30 minutes after that. They never said a thing about both of my apps not rotating.
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927

    That may be the key is that your app doesnt allow ANY autorotate functionality.

    Most of us were under the impression we needed to support at least both vesions of the the orientation our game plays in.
    IE landscape right and landscape left
    Maybe once we allow for autorotate things get funky

    If i had an Ipad i would test this theory out - My ipad is due here the 12th ;(

    I'm sure they would approve games with one spash orientation if it matched the game like yours does.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Maybe that's it James if your going to make it rotate then it must fit their rules.

    Paul it's me i never thought about screen pref to rotate the iMac screen. I'll try later
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    Chaser it takes a bit of getting used to and you have to use spaces but its the best solution for now. Just make sure the monitors well balanced :)

    We tried submitting with one fixed rotation but it was rejected. The rules say it has to support multiple orientations.
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    Well, thank heavens that my game just got approved. It is rotatable in either landscape mode, so it appears they didn't take issue with the loader screen. I would like to get it fix soon though, but I won't submit until I get to 1.2 with a bunch more cool game features.
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    I guess those of us that got ipad approved apps were just lucky but I don't see how apple can expect an accelerometer based game to fit their rules
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Not trying to discriminate against the gamesalad gurus, but I'm almost 150% positive they had an iPad to test on, their bigger now and I'm sure they could get one seeing as quite a few smaller devs had them. They are geniuses, but they couldn't make software for a device that hasn't come out yet, unless they had something to test it out on. I mean they just wouldn't release the software, hoping it would work, they knew it would.

    On a side note, has anybody tried to add autorotation, to a iPod / iPhone app?
  • ChaserChaser Member Posts: 1,453
    Star keep from adado does.

    Paulitsme I tried doing the sideways monitor in spaces but did not have an option for it in any of the pref. I have leopard if that's the problem
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Yes tries on iPhone touch is about half inch off after rotating
  • paulitsmepaulitsme Member Posts: 109
    It looks like it might only work on external displays.

    You can see a photo and screenshot on the link below
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    bah.. just had my update rejected because of the screen rotation issue too. :(
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    Yeah, Just bumping this to keep the dream alive

    I'm really getting anxious as i have an update that i need really bad and they wont approve it
    Just a simple timer issue that worked on my iphone version and on the viewer but is causing some overlapping and it makes the gameplay frustrating

    If Codemonkey or yoda or any of you guys are reading this I think you guys are doing awesome!
    Just tell the "fix it" team to hurry up
    Lunch on me if you can get it out today****

    the small print
    ****Sorry taco bell only
  • adent42adent42 Key Master, Head Chef, Executive Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 3,194
    Our fix-it team is working on it. We had an unexpected internet outage at the office, so it might take just a bit longer than we had hoped.

    Hold tight and know that we're working hard on the next release!
  • BeyondtheTechBeyondtheTech Member Posts: 809
    I had an outage with my Optimum Online during the publishing of Spellcaster. I was so desparate to get a binary that I tethered my work BlackBerry to my iMac via Bluetooth and watched the progress bar crawl.

    I beat Optimum with a stick that month and they refunded me for the outage plus gave me a business-class multifrequency modem as an apology.
  • guru-at-zidwareguru-at-zidware Member Posts: 369
    I will send you GS "fix-its" a deep-dish pizza from Chicago. PRO members can not place custom load graphics for client apps now. So bit of a thorny issue and getting expensive..
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