Hunnenkoenig is GONE - Who's next?
Well...Hunn is officially banned from Whoever posted the poll to get rid of him was successful in doing so.
I personally think this is not very cool.
As a result...I am going to be using an alternative forum. Albeit it looks to be brand new...but at least its not so "sensitive".
I plan to drop in from time to time here...but most of my informative posts will be there.
The other forum is:
It looks to be more professional developer oriented and allows picture uploads and thread filtering. It also allows user if someone offends me...I can just block them instead of asking admin to ban them altogether. The problem here was...this forum board is total crap (meaning limited in features...not limited in quality content...the members are great) and the limited functionality makes banning members the only solution to censoring.
This is just plain wrong (IMO).
I personally think this is not very cool.
As a result...I am going to be using an alternative forum. Albeit it looks to be brand new...but at least its not so "sensitive".
I plan to drop in from time to time here...but most of my informative posts will be there.
The other forum is:
It looks to be more professional developer oriented and allows picture uploads and thread filtering. It also allows user if someone offends me...I can just block them instead of asking admin to ban them altogether. The problem here was...this forum board is total crap (meaning limited in features...not limited in quality content...the members are great) and the limited functionality makes banning members the only solution to censoring.
This is just plain wrong (IMO).
I mean... has anyone ever actually warned Hunnenkoenig that he would be banned from this forum? he should be given at least another chance.
I would have at least expected a comment from an admin.
I will be using both these forums anyways though.
I find that the other forum will be great to gather the best of Gamesalad in few threads and sections. there is also the possibility to publish different content in our threads (images/pictures).
EDIT: oh, just noticed the message on the other thread :P
Here at GameSalad, we strive to have an open community where people can communicate freely and easily. Unfortunately, people sometimes cross the line and we have to take action.
Hunn was placed on temporary ban and we're actively talking with him in order to determine the length of the ban.
Please understand that banning people from the forum is the absolute last thing that we would want to do, but sometimes it's necessary, if just to give users some time to cool down.
Thank you for your understanding and please don't take this very temporary ban as more than it actually is. Again, thank you.
You are welcome to join us at the proForum!!!
We'd love to have you!!!
none of it would matter if we were all just respectful.
However, i can move past that because, overall its not a bad idea and has been talked about for sometime.
would be nice to have real forum with signatures and pics and stuff.
t does concern me though that the forum is moderated by people who belittle others.
i like hunn, im easy going but he does belittle people. even if they deserve it (and some do) its just not cool. Getting banned was BS and that poll was BS though in my opinion.
If this other forum is just so that treating people like !@#$% is ok then im out...
If we can all get along i like it.
Let them make GS better instead of babysitting us.
It seems a bit cruel to ban him directly, no matter what he said.
P.S. Just taking the occasion to thank you for the GS update (0.84)
you were banned for that hotel comment and you know it lol
not venting in general
Now I got an email from GS explaining everything.
The new forum is over a month wasn't spawned because of Hunn. It was spawned because of a lack of features here (I believe) and the fact you can't post pictures here and it is policed by GS (barely) and not an independent entity.
BTW: I edited that post and took out the "Across the line" stuff less than 10 minutes after I posted it...and was banned anyway.
1. I (Hunnenkoenig) was never contacted by GS staff per email, private message or in any other way. I wrote them an email about the ban and I still have no answer to it, so the "communicating directly" is just not true. I didn't know until this topic, what form this ban has, if it is permanent or temporarly.
[ EDIT ]
"I was contacted by GS staff 5 minutes ago by email about the ban, which will last until tomorrow"
2. Although I have moderator rights on the other forum, I don't intend to use it very often
3. All the problems came just from the forum having no real moderation and basic features needed to manage an online community
4. I have a few forums on the net, which are working very well, because I KNOW how to handle an online community
5. The other forum is not made by me
6. I won't use this forum anymore, even if I can, so no worries.
7. I was mailed by somebody about this topic. That is how I found it.
how did i miss that
2) When administrating a community, it's important to stop trouble as soon as it starts. Otherwise, the community starts to degrade... like what's happening here.
3) I too could start a GameSalad forum or fansite... I'm even sitting on an extra copy of vBulletin... but what's the point? The main forums are here. I don't want to have to check multiple websites for GameSalad information.
4) This thread should be closed too. Forum administrators don't need to explain themselves. It's a sign of weakness... you cross the line, you get banned. You cool off, you come back. This thread, like the other thread, should be closed... deleted is a better idea.
I agree with you 100%.
But if this forum were a better piece of could block Hunn's (or others) posts or add swear word filtering or only subscribe to stuff you only want to subscribe too.
Instead...its a giant drop table of anything and everything...and I think the pros are tired of reading through 10 "help please!!! or Promo Codes" threads for every 1 good GS dev issue.
This board is becoming overwhelmingly a newbie forum with TONS of spam content and not enough dev content. Plus you can't share files (except through GS web), post pictures, or message users directly.
On the other board (linked above) you can.
I think the pros are just looking for more forum features, more dev issues and less newbie offense intended.
I'm a newbie to GS too...but I don't post stuff like "Help please?" or "Here is my new game I made in 2 hours and it looks like it....YEAH FOR ME!!!".
Someone hold me back, please, or I may just end up being next...
QS o_0
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It is true I bought a URL and posted a forum board. But its not "mine". Its just another board. The point of it was to provide a little bit more functionality and to be a complement to this board...NOT A REPLACEMENT. This whole Hunnenkoenig ban thing is completely irrelevant and just white noise. The site started before all of this.
If some choose to use that board more...Great!!! If some wish to boycott it...that is fine too.
Quit crying about it for heaven's sake.
GSpro allows you to share info...sort threads and do a lot of things you can't do here (functionally). The other key difference is it is oriented more towards Pro Game Development with GameSalad and not "Getting Started with GS"...which is what this forum tends to focus on. There will also be the ability (in the near future) for users to post free ads on the front page and help promote their games on the site....all stuff you cannot do here.
I make $0 from the site and doesn't cost me very much to host there you guys...enjoy it and use it. I don't plan to charge for anything on it and the front page ads will be free to heavy users, random users, and moderators to promote their games.
You can either be a party-pooper and boycott or you can be cool and bookmark it and use it IN CONJUNCTION with this forum. I don't know why you feel so threatened by having another way to do game development better.
Geez...lighten up.
The only way you will get banned is if you spam irrelevant content (ads) or if you "Threaten" anyone with physical harm or "Harass/Bully" any single user specifically. You won't get banned for saying something you wish to say...that would be ludicrous.
This is not the first forum board we have sponsored (my company), our other key board has over 5000 members and about 600K+ posts. No one banned yet to my knowledge...other than some rogue spammers.
At any rate, hopefully this will prompt GS to change up their forums in the future to prevent things like this from happening...
Clearly there are differing opinions on the matter, so adding filtering options, ignore options and the like would be fabulous for situations like this.
until then...
I think it's time to move on
I'm not sure I "get" it. What exactly do you mean by "more dev issues and less newbie dribble"? I'm sure one man's "complex question about advanced behaviors" is another man's "newbie dribble". Isn't it all just point of view?
Correct...its a point of view...
By newbie a pro user...I prefer to follow threads that are relevant to Game Development...not "Laser Banana Shooter Promo Codes" stuff or "Help...where is the power button". This forum is (IMO) "clogged" with this...and that is fine. But for me...its way too time consuming to parse through the now overwhelming abundance of such threads to find threads more geared towards game dev.
So a new forum...IMO...that allows you to filter that stuff out is a winning idea. Since no one else was starting one...but merely talking about it being needed...I went ahead and acted and built one.
I'm not trying to kill this forum...but merely providing an alternative for other GS lovers like me to communicate. And since this is the only forum currently...another forum merely expands the GameSalad name and interest and hopefully can help ALL of us get better at building games with GS.
Newbies are everywhere, in all forums, of all topics.
Unfortunately for us, there's not a great way of filtering through with GS's current forums, but I think this might change, and hopefully soon given this recent debacle
You're right, along with Cat - it is all a point of view.
And seriously, from *my* point of view, if you're a 'Pro' user, I'm going to proudly go sit with the newbies.
Or as BB said - Baaah baaaah BAAAAAAAH!!!!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
(translates into KAAAAAAAAAHHHHNNNN!!!!)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
If Hunne's ban is lifted and he returns to these forums, will all the GS female users flock to him because of his bad boy status??
Ehhhhh. <thumb position="up" quantity="two" />
the sheep is wise
Maybe we shouldnt ban people
just leave them marooned on Seti Alpha 5
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It's starting to feel like things are lightening up again
>> about the forums and these are
>> the forums.
>> - tshirtbooth
It doesn't make GameSalad better. That doesn't make my games better.
The rest is just jibba jabba.
I saw the tone that built up to this. There should be common sense to not post that way. And instead of saying "Who's next" should be... OK, let's back to work. It's a distraction. I've seen the way Gendai Games handles dissidents. It's with far more restraint than I would likely have shown. It's a temporary ban... let's move on.
Technically, these forums have limited features... and Gendai Games is in beta... that doesn't give people the right to be disrespectful to community members.
Again, this thread should be closed.