Newbie GameSalad

Me and my creative partner are trying to come up with game ideas. We're new to GameSalad so it is all a learning process. I want to begin with a platformer, but he has an idea for a temple run style game, but done in a platform 2D mode. Does this sound like something that would be quite difficult to do?


  • cartoonscottcartoonscott Member Posts: 78
    When I say 2D platformer, I mean side on, so imagine classic Mario running along. Can you create something like this with GameSalad?
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Yes, you can create something like this in GameSalad, however, you might not want to tackle this as your first project. Start smaller and work your way up. I'd recommend taking a look at our video tutorials over at and following those to get you familier with GameSalad.

    Just my two cents.

  • cartoonscottcartoonscott Member Posts: 78
    What I've said. My partner has a good idea but is a bit ambitious to start with
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