Ad Hoc Testing

My game is now in the finishing stages of development. I have been ad hoc testing for a while now, and all of a sudden it stopped working on my iPhone 5, but it continues to work on my iPad. My app is sized for iPhone legacy, and I have been choosing letterbox. When I open up the app on the iPad there is the load screen through Playhaven, then a personal splash screen, then the menu, and that is how it is supposed to work. But when I open it on my iPhone 5 it loads the Playhaven load screen, then my personal splash screen, the it crashes. Any suggestions. It has worked before like it was supposed.

Best Answer

  • JN38JN38 Posts: 57
    Accepted Answer
    you can now close this forum i have reposted another one wording it differently
    I have been wondering that myself. Along with how to tag a question as answered.


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