Actor spins in circle when rotating

I have an actor that is set to move down and rotate to 315 degrees when the down key is pressed, and move up and rotate to 30 degrees when the up key is pressed. Then when either key is released, rotate back to 0 degrees.

The down rotation is working fine, but for some reason when the up rotation is called the actor spins clockwise around in a circle until it reaches the specified 30 degrees.

Why is it doing this and how can I fix it?


  • sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
    you might have another rotation somewhere assigned in your game (the rotating back to 0).. Your Up to 30 problem is possible while you might have a 'Run to Completion' set at that rotation command.
  • redleafredleaf Member Posts: 10
    Run to completion isn't checked, and this actor is the only one set to rotate. To provide some more info:
    Rotation type is 'rotate to angle' and relative to scene.
  • caiokawasakicaiokawasaki Member Posts: 68
    if possible, try negative numbers in the up key...
  • redleafredleaf Member Posts: 10
    @caiokawasaki entering negative numbers automatically goes to the equivalent positive.
    -30 to 330 etc.
  • caiokawasakicaiokawasaki Member Posts: 68
    @caiokawasaki entering negative numbers automatically goes to the equivalent positive.
    -30 to 330 etc.
    can u publish the project in the arcade or add me on skype? I can try help u.
    skype: theccpixel

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