Still not diggin the fact that even pro members aren't able to have an account with Playhaven to display our reports and get paid directly. It would be sooooooo simple to integrate. Just allow us to input the code playhaven gives us for our ads in our GS playhaven dashboard and done. It's not rocket science...its called a "String" .... and how do I know... (as a Pro member) that GS isn't taking a little off the top. Kind of difficult to prove if we have no way of seeing this information directly.
It is started only cause there hasn't been a consistent date where reports are sent out. Apple, Amazon, Nook all send payments the same time every month. All of them also have reports about the same time every month. I am confident that the process will get better as it has for the last couple months.
Unfortunately, these problems can happen; but I hope that in the future there will be a way to see the report every day and i'm sure that GS is working to do this, because PlayHaven is a great resource for us.
Just received a report for October that cannot be possible. Have any of you seen a low report value or Partial Payment? The report I received for October cannot possibly be all the Playhaven revenue I received for that respective month.
Unfortunately even if the numbers are correct and it is genuinely low, GS are going to get some stick, we need real time records - iAD style or we're always going to think someone is skimming the top
Thus far, every report has been approximately what was expected, but with this latest report the discrepancy is very large.
And clearly I understand that monetization fluctuates. I am not expecting nearly as much for October as in September when a new game was released. But this report is 5000% lower.
Are Playhaven reports behind by a few months? I have never received one and I don't know how the process goes. My first app was released September 2012, so should I have that report by now?
@SaladStraightShooter Thank you, I absolutely do not want anyone to assume mismanagement on your part. I enjoy and love using Gamesalad and all of the Monetization options 100%. It is an amazing software.
I just started using Playhaven in one of my games, and didn't realize I couldn't use the PH dashboard. I'm assuming payments will be sent by paypal. Are the reports then emailed to us directly?
but I hope that in the future there will be a way to see the report every day and i'm sure that GS is working to do this, because PlayHaven is a great resource for us.
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strangely i earned less than with iAd...
I must admit that this is the first time this has happen
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It’s not a bug – it’s an undocumented feature
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And clearly I understand that monetization fluctuates. I am not expecting nearly as much for October as in September when a new game was released. But this report is 5000% lower.