system halt when there is other attribute in expression of tableCellValue

zellhuangzellhuang Member, PRO Posts: 79
Hi GSers, thx for checking my problem!

I have creat 2 tables, one is called PlayerStatus the other one is called SystemInfo. Plus, i alse created 2 global attributes called Number1 and ActingPlayer, both of them are real.
In my game, i have to use the rule with expression just as "tableCellValue(PlayerStatus,2,tablecCellValue(SystemInfo,4,1))" or "tableCellValue(PlayerStatus,2,ActingPlayer+1). You see, in the expression of tableCellValue, whenever I use attribute in the place of row or column,the system will halt.

Does anybody know how to fix it? Is my expression wrong?
Thank you in advance!


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