Actors vs Images

For situations like a scene select, with stars and all for each level, is better to use each actor for each star, or image level changed when collect more stars or take more points?


  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    I think my english is too low
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    I'm using a single image

    Hope this helps
  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    What i want to say is:
    1.- 1 actor change for 4 images in 4 situations.
    2.- 4 actors for 4 situations.
    Best is 1 really?
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    I think it comes down to preference and testing. Test performance both ways and see whats faster and more device friendly. Personally i just use one actor image. Give you an example. I have an energy bar that displays three hearts. Well really its just 3 images of the entire health bar. Each image displays 3 hearts, then 2 hearts and then 1 heart. An attribute and its rule tells the image which image to display. So if my health integer attribute is a 3, then i display the graphic of 3. If its 2 then the rule says show the graphic of 2 hearts- and so on.
    Personally i just find it easier to manage instead of creating three separate actors and all of the rules to turn them visible or invisible, etc.
    Again its all just preference.
  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    edited January 2013
    I think i`m losing my time because all of this is because my game lower to 30fps when i change mode to retina on xcode viewer.
    WHY the same project get 60fps on iphone and 30fps on iPhone retina?!?!?!!!11
  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    Another think i just have tested.
    1 actor 534x480 (i know its recommended 512,256....) with one image 534x480 = 60fps
    1 actor 1x480 using tile horizontal, x 534 = 30fps

    Well? what the hell?
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    Well if it matters or not but i try use images instead of making more actors. Just easier and tidier for me.

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