Spawn actors side by side?

Hi guys, just a question, how can i spawn a lot of actors something like 1000 actors side by side, and make the blocks(actors) work like in minecraft for exemple?


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    It will take a long time to spawn 1,000 actors, but all you need to do would be to have a position attribute that increments with each new spawn.

    Every X seconds move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn / move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn / move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn . . . etc.

  • caiokawasakicaiokawasaki Member Posts: 68
    It will take a long time to spawn 1,000 actors, but all you need to do would be to have a position attribute that increments with each new spawn.

    Every X seconds move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn / move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn / move spawning position + 100 pixels then spawn . . . etc.

    i just cant create a generator or something like that to acelerate the process? I was thinking in create a dig game...
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    i just cant create a generator or something like that to acelerate the process?
    What do you mean by a 'generator' ?

  • caiokawasakicaiokawasaki Member Posts: 68
    i just cant create a generator or something like that to acelerate the process?
    What do you mean by a 'generator' ?

    something to generate all the terrain(ground) when the player click in the start game button...
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