What is the "performance cost (memory/cpu)" of adding a new Actor, Scene, etc.
I am beginning the development of a new game and Im trying to determine the best way to implement my scenes and actors. I have viewed the tutorial on using tables to control all the scenes and actors, etc. However, the process flows much easier by simply creating a new scene when needed and having a new actor for whatever new element the game calls for, and I would rather do it this way, but not at the cost of possibly having a slow/poorly performing game. The graphics and sounds are not duplicated (all shared via the library).
How can I determine the amount of incremental memory and other resources used by adding additional actors and scenes ( or saves)? For example - Each additional actor/scene added will use an additional X kbs of ram (or cpu cycles).
How can I determine the amount of incremental memory and other resources used by adding additional actors and scenes ( or saves)? For example - Each additional actor/scene added will use an additional X kbs of ram (or cpu cycles).